Tax Analytics Associate

Sean O'Connor

Sean O'Connor

As a Tax Analytics Associate with Specialty Tax Group, Sean can be found working on cost segregation analysis for various clients. Before starting at STG in 2025, Sean served 3 years in the Army and is now currently serving in the National Guard.

Why did you choose to work at STG?

I chose to work at STG because of the company culture and it aligned with my interests.

What is your favorite aspect of the job?

My favorite aspect of the job is the sense of accomplishment when completing a project.

What’s your work style?

My preferred work style is attention to detail and focusing on accuracy.

What “bright idea” do you find yourself sharing over and over again?

Everything happens for a reason.

What do you consider to be your best quality?

I consider my best quality to be my work ethic.

What did 10 year old you want to be when you grew up?

A sports broadcaster.

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